Custom-designed solutions
FLSmidth Krebs has great process knowledge and can help designing the most energy optimal and effective separation process.
Cost efficient separation
FLSmidth Krebs’ hydrocyclones are a cost efficient way to separate and fractionate particles from liquid.
Complete solutions
FLSmidth Krebs can supply everything from a single cyclone to cyclone batteries with manifold.
FLSmidth Krebs manufactures hydrocyclones and is part of the FLSmidth Group. The company has been a leading supplier of hydrocyclones since 1952. FLSmidth Krebs offers unique capabilities for problem solving in such diverse fields as chemicals, alumina, hard rock mining, coal mining, oil and gas, pulp and paper, pollution control, power generation, water, and wastewater.
FLSmidth Krebs hydrocyclones are used in many industries for separation, concentration and dewatering of particles and liquid or liquid-liquid separation.
In principle hydrocyclones work with all non-emulsions, where there is a difference in density between the liquid and what needs to be removed. Hydrocyclones can be used as an independent separation unit or in front of other separation units such as centrifuges or filters, where the hydrocyclone thus reduces the size of the following equipment.
The hydrocyclones can be constructed in many different materials such as different types of metal, ceramics and plastic depending on the process and the surroundings.
Guideline for particle/liquid separation:
- Separation from approx. 5 µm
- Minimum flow approx. 150 l/h
- Natural separation in a beaker in max. 10 minutes
- No flocculation agent added
Guideline for liquid/liquid separation:
- Natural separation in a beaker in max. 5 minutes
- No chemical emulsion
Feel free to contact us – we are ready to help you with equipment for liquid filtration and separation
David Bøgh
Sales Manager and product specialist
Email: db@aagechristensen.dk
Mobile: +45 21 30 32 20