Aage Christensen’s history
Graduate engineer Aage Christensen, who was formerly the Manager of Vølund, founded the company as an engineering and trade company doing business with shipyards. This is the reason for the maritime logo representing a masthead lamp designed by Knud V. Engelhardt. In 1950’ies when the textile industry flourished, the company specialized in import and installation of large advanced weaving machines e.g. to Brandts Klædefabrik.
The industral development in Europe meant that the industrialization in Denmark gathered speed and the company began to deliver equipment for sugar factories, breweries, paper mills, shipyards and cement plants, such as a turnkey sulphuric acid plant for Superfos in Fredericia, production plants for Københavns Pektinfabrik and Grindstedværket in Grindsted and in Grenå, a reformed gas plant for I/S Gas in Tuborg Harbour and electro filters,
water treatment plants, condensate purification plants, coal handling plants as well as storage yard machines and cranes for a number of Danish power plants.
The edible oil industry was for many years a main activity with the establishment of the Danish oil factories to which Aage Christensen delivered roller mills, extraction plants and plants for oil refining.
Since then areas such as especially the pharmaceutical industry have been added. The close partnership with the Danish universities and the research and development departments of Danish and foreign companies formed the basis for Aage Christensen’s early entrance into biotechnical research and production. This area is thus today one of the most important activities with supplies of e.g. bioreactors for microbial processes for production of a wide range of products to the food and the pharmaceutical industries.
“Denmark’s first designer”, Knud V. Engelhardt, designed Aage Christensen’s original logo.
The ship’s lantern refers to one of the main activities of that time, ship’s equipment.